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Ananda Marga Seeks Permits for Religious Gathering

The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) had to put its collective thinking cap on to figure out how to tackle some of the questions before the board at the April 18, 2024 meeting. Perhaps the more interesting of the issues came from Wendell Avery, the lawyer representing Ananda Kalpataru Wellness & Meditation Center. Avery appeared before the PZC for an informal discussion about an upcoming religious celebration at the group’s property on Fox Hill Drive. 

The site at 0 Fox Hill Drive consists of roughly 100 acres, where the Ananda Marga group holds its Spring retreat, which is planned for May 9-12 this year. Avery told the board this event is a religious gathering and while, last year, the group simply put up a tent, this year they would like to rent a few RVs to house 30-40 members while they gather for the long weekend. The problem is that, as you might imagine, there are no zoning regulations that directly address the question of how to regulate a large religious gathering in the woods. 

Ananda Kalpataru
Source: Google Maps.

Avery suggested that section 7.5C of Stafford’s Zoning regulations, which addresses temporary uses of trailers and mobile homes, could guide this process: "Temporary uses such as for emergency purposes that, in the judgement of the Commission or its agent, warrant a permit." While several ideas were tossed around about the best way to proceed, the conversation kept coming back to the permit through 7.5C. 

PZC Chair Dave Palmberg gave a brief history of the property, saying that he believed the group bought the land before the COVID-19 outbreak and put in a driveway without a permit. The board had heard concerns from neighbors after the group invited neighbors to the gathering in the past, and one neighbor took photos of pits dug for latrines. With that in mind, he felt the board’s main concern was about the health issues the gathering could raise. 

Ananda Kalpataru
Source: Google Maps

“Our charge is the public health and safety," Palmberg said, suggesting that Avery work with his client to create a site sketch for the Health Department that includes at least a few portable toilets to supplement the self-contained bathrooms that would be available on the RVs. The board talked through some of the other conditions that should be addressed such as handwashing stations, a plan for off-street parking so as not to unnecessarily disturb the neighbors, and putting together an informational flier to keep neighbors aware of what’s happening. 

Zoning Enforcement Officer Andrew Marchese said he had some concerns that he regularly receives complaints about people living in campers, but the commission felt this was different as there was a clear beginning and end date. Palmberg also noted that he knows of places in town where RVs and tents pop up during family reunion weekends and no one bothers to ask for zoning permission. Meanwhile, several times during the meeting, Avery expressed his client's desire to go through the proper channels.

Commission member Richard Shuck recused himself from the conversation as the property abuts his own, however, he did have suggestions about the procedure: "If a religious organization, or any organization” wants to use their own, vacant land to worship, "this is not the board that says you can’t do that." He pointed out that a Site Plan application – one of the many alternative routes suggested during the meeting – does not have an expiration date. Avery came back to the idea of a zoning permit, which the rest of the board acknowledged would have a clear end date. 

Ultimately, the board instructed Avery to work with the ZEO, the Health Department, and the Fire Marshal to develop a plan that addresses the board's health and safety concerns and present it at the next meeting on May 2, just a week before the event is set to begin.

"Please convey to them that we need to formalize something," Palmberg said, which Avery agreed was needed, but would not be possible in time for this year’s event.


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