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BOE Reviews $335,000 Budget Adjustments

Superintendent Steven A. Moccio presented the Board of Finance’s (BOF) requested budget cuts with the caveat that the district can fund them alternatively through cuts in strategic areas. Ultimately, this is old news for anyone who has been paying attention to the budget process, but the BOE still had to vote on the issues.

Through a combination of savings identified in areas like fuel costs and replacing contracted physical therapy services with a direct-hire, the district found savings in its budget before even presenting it at the public hearing. Additionally, the BOF recommended the BOE fund some of its capital improvement projects through an account with a very long name. All told it equals $335,000 taken out of the budget proposal for the 2024-2025 school year.

Savings have been identified within the budget. We start the budget in October and November, and we’re still watching fuel and propane prices, liabilities, retirements, etc. Anticipated spending.

Moccio did explain that the money in the non-lapsing fund comes from its ability to put up 2% of its overall budget when there are leftover funds at the end of the year. Additionally, the proceeds from the sale of the Borough School are kept in that fund but can only be used for elementary school-related expenses. Originally, some of the funds were earmarked for the roof replacement at the middle school but that project came in under budget.

Some of these funds will be used to offset the cost of hooking West Stafford School up to the town water line and making the playground handicapped accessible.

He also pointed out that by using this money to fund some of the budget needs, there would be no funds available in case of an emergency and that the BOE would need to go back to the BOF if it were to need emergency funds.

After the reductions, the school BOE requests a 2.75% increase. The board voted unanimously to approve the new budget, which will be voted at a referendum later this month.

Anyone who wants to know more about the town side of the budget can register for the Stafford Free Press’ April 15th Q&A with the First Selectman.


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