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Candidate Q&A: Rick Hartenstein

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

In September, we sent Q&As to the Democratic and Republican Town Committees. Our goal was to give the candidates for the Board of Selectmen a chance to respond with their thoughts and speak directly to all of Stafford. The Republican candidates chose not to answer.

So, today we bring you the the first installment of this series. It comes from Rick Hartenstein, who has served on the Board of Selectmen for the past five years. Read on to learn more about Hartenstein and his priorities as a selectman.


Q: What’s Stafford's biggest challenge over the next two years, and how do you plan to address it?

A: The biggest challenges for Stafford in the next two years are infrastructure updates and securing funds for our town's needs. My plan to address this involves open communication with the Board of Education (BOE), Board of Finance (BOF), Board of Selectmen (BOS), and taxpayers. We need to determine how to best communicate with our residents. A survey could be helpful in understanding how to best communicate information to residents. Additionally, working with our state legislature to apply for available funds is crucial.

Q: Please tell us what you believe the role of First Selectman / Selectman is in the community.

A: The role of the First Selectman/Selectmen is to oversee the town and its operations. They should collaborate with department heads for fiscal responsibility, represent Stafford at various functions, and work with our legislature to secure funding for our town. It's crucial to always listen to our taxpayers and prioritize the Town of Stafford.

Q: How has your professional experience prepared you for the job of First Selectman / Selectman?

A: My three-decade-long service to the Town of Stafford, particularly at the Water Pollution Control Facility, has greatly prepared me. I've chaired the Hyde Park Commission and other important committees, improving our parks, emergency services, and infrastructure. Being a selectman for the last five years has also provided me with a hands-on understanding of the challenges and opportunities our town faces.

Q: Between brownfield remediation, new pocket parks, and repurposing old schools, can you tell us about your vision for the future of Stafford?

A: Stafford's older buildings, like the Witt school, hold potential. I envision the Witt school becoming a hotel after its necessary remediation. Other buildings, like Staffordville School, could serve as medical offices or town offices. Our town's redevelopment, including brownfield remediation and new pocket parks, is vital for Stafford's growth and progress. We also owe it to our tax-paying residents to provide community-focused spaces that will enhance our enjoyment and quality of life in Stafford.

Q: What initiatives would you like to see boards and commissions tackle over the next couple of years?

A: Quarterly meetings between our BOS, BOF, and BOE are crucial for understanding budget requests and updating taxpayers. Our down-ballot candidates are also on board with this idea, as are our current sitting board and commission members. I'd also propose video recording all town-related meetings to enhance accessibility. Implementing these measures will keep our community engaged and informed.

[Responses have been very lightly edited for clarity, typos, etc., but the answers are primarily as the candidates wrote them.]


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