It’s been years in the making, and there are many more years to go, but on Sunday, April 28, 2024, The Rotary Club of Stafford and The Stafford Historical Society debuted the first signs in a series that will guide visitors through town, giving them a glimpse into Stafford’s storied history.
Gathered at the Stafford Historical Society Museum, where the first of many signs is now on display, the groups celebrated the first fruits of a labor that began back in early 2022. The Rotary Club brought the idea for the tour to the Historical Society, asking for their help in identifying and researching sites of interest. Meanwhile, the Rotary Club started raising money, with help from Johnston Memorial Hospital and the Auxilary, Introvinge Funeral Homes, Festi's, Maple Tire, and USA Hauling & Recycling.
Installing the first signs, which was originally slated for 2023, was delayed by Main Street construction and a Department of Public Works that was being kept busy with other projects. Now, though, two signs – one in front of the Historical Society Museum, and one by the river in Hyde Park – of three completed signs are on display. The third will be displayed by the police department but is waiting on final approval of the location and installation. Each sign has a QR code that allows people to read more about each location.
Local artist Jeff Blazejovsky has also donated the use of some of his work to the project, allowing people a glimpse into the past through art.
While the tour begins in Stafford Springs, it will eventually branch out to other parts of town, including Staffordville, Stafford Hollow, West Stafford, Village Hill, Hydeville, Orcuttville, Crystal Lake, and Ellithorpe. They will be done by Spring of 2029 if all goes to plan. While most sites are on public property, some willing homeowners have volunteered to have smaller versions of signs on their historic properties.
Keep an eye out for these signs as they pop up around town, and be sure to tell your history-buff friends to make a special trip to Stafford.
How to support Stafford's self-guided history tour

Individuals, businesses, and organizations interested in sponsoring the project can learn more and/or donate here.
Any individual or family looking to contribute monetarily to the project can submit a donation at this link or by check made out to the Rotary Club of Stafford. The check can be mailed to:
Rotary Club of Stafford, CT
Attn: Stafford Self-Guided Historical Tour
PO Box 277
Stafford Springs, CT 06076
Monetary donors will be listed by name on the project's website page and will receive an invitation to each project phase's debut.
Business/Organization Donors:
Secure a sponsorship as a business or organization. Sponsorship levels include different benefits based on the sponsorship levels outlined above. All sponsors will receive invitations to annual project phase debuting events and will receive exclusive donor stickers to place in their business window. Additionally, benefits for business will be based on the level of sponsorship. If a business owner or organization is looking to contribute monetarily to the project, they can submit a donation at the link above or a check can be made out to the Rotary Club of Stafford, Attn: Stafford Self-Guided Historical Tour Project and mailed to the address above.
In Memorium Donor:
If an individual would like to remember a loved one or someone who they believe contributed to the Town of Stafford and have them memorialized via the Stafford Self-Guided Historical Tour. Our team will work with the Memorium Donors to appropriately and respectfully determine a location in which to honor this individual best. If individuals are interested in donating as a Memorium Donor, the Rotary Club asks that you email them directly at, and a Project Ambassador will schedule a time to meet with them to discuss their options.
In addition to more sponsors, the project is looking for ambassadors to educate the public, seek donations, and even possibly lead tours. Reach out via the email above.